Picture of Brad Tinnon

Brad Tinnon

We Now Prepare Tax Returns!!

I am very excited to announce that we will now be preparing tax returns! We’ve long known that this is something that would be very beneficial for the income tax planning that we do with clients. And now we have this service available – for both clients and non-clients!

We believe in simple and transparent pricing for all that we do and tax returns are no different. So, with that said, here is our pricing:

Level of ComplexityFee for ClientsFee for non-Clients
Low Complexity1$200$250
Medium Complexity2$300$350
High Complexity3$500$550

1 Low Complexity is generally defined as someone who only has W-2 wages, retirement income, retirement investments (IRAs, 401ks, etc.), and / or a small number of non-IRA investments.

2 Medium Complexity is generally defined as someone who has multiple non-IRA investments, is self-employed, has multi-state employment, has a small number of rental real estate properties, and / or has trust / partnership income.

3 High Complexity is generally defined as someone who has similarities of Medium Complexity, but to a larger degree (i.e. large number of rental real estate properties, multiple businesses, and / or multiple sources of trust / partnership income). Any return that is more complex than that of a High Complexity Return will be billed an additional $75 / hour.

Types Of Returns We Will Not Be Doing

At this time, we are limiting our tax return preparation to individuals, families, and sole proprietorships. As such, we will not be doing S-Corp, C-Corp, Trust, Partnership, or Estate returns. We look to hopefully add some of these services down the road, but for now they will be excluded from our services. 

What If You Are In A Different State?

That will be no problem for us! If you are located in a different state from us, and as long as you don’t need one of the returns mentioned above, we will be able to do your tax return.

We Stand By Our Work!

We pride ourselves on doing a good job for our clients. If for some reason we are in error, we will respond to any IRS inquiries or make any amendments at no extra charge.

Next Steps If Interested

If you would like us to prepare your 2018 tax return then just reply to this email and we’ll send out information to you in early February!

If you have questions about which Level of Complexity you would fall into, then by all means feel free to reach out to us.

Thank you. We look forward to hopefully helping you with your tax return!

Brad Tinnon, Owner



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