Picture of Brad Tinnon

Brad Tinnon

Articles of Interest

Throughout the week, I run across articles written by other people that may be of interest to you. This week, there are two articles I’d like to highlight which revolve around the idea of money and happiness.

The first article is from my good friend Kenny White and is titled Leadership and Purpose: 5 Reflections on Being Created with Purpose. Kenny has a passion for communication and personal development and that comes through in this article. Many people can never truly enjoy their money because they don’t enjoy themselves. This can be due to the fact that we sometimes just don’t value ourselves. In this article Kenny lays out a foundation to help you change the way that you view yourself and to help you recognize that you are valuable.

The second article is from Dan Solin and is titled If Your Focus is Misplaced…I May Be at Fault. As financial advisors, we often times lose focus on the things that are important. Sure, we talk about money, but deep down we all know (or should know) that money doesn’t bring happiness. Happiness is often times rooted in our ability to serve and help others. Not to mention the fact that a healthy lifestyle also impacts your happiness. In this article, Dan discusses some of the things that he believes brings true happiness to an individual.

Hope you enjoy!

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Brad E.S. Tinnon


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